adelaide photography

Baby Weighing

Something you might not know about us at Embellish Photography is that in addition to offering a wide variety of photography services, we also offer complimentary baby weighing services at our studio! This is a unique service that we offer to our newborn clients and new parents.  

Our beautiful studio on Goodwood Road at Westbourne Park offers a clean, quiet and comfortable environment for you to come and have your baby weighed, without the need to queue up and wait at your local health care service. 

For our newborn clients, we offer to weigh baby at the end of your session. For new parents who wish to walk-in, we offer this service every Monday from 9:30-10:30am

We will record your baby’s details for you on one of our cute cards that you can take home and add to your baby’s album for your records.

If you have any questions or enquiries, please don’t hesitate to ask! We look forward to seeing you soon. 

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Baby Weighing

Something you might not know about us at Embellish Photography is that in addition to offering a wide variety of photography services, we also offer complimentary baby weighing services at our studio! This is a unique service that we offer to our newborn clients and new parents.  

Our beautiful studio on Goodwood Road at Westbourne Park offers a clean, quiet and comfortable environment for you to come and have your baby weighed, without the need to queue up and wait at your local health care service. 

For our newborn clients, we offer to weigh baby at the end of your session. For new parents who wish to walk-in, we offer this service every Monday from 9:30-10:30am

We will record your baby’s details for you on one of our cute cards that you can take home and add to your baby’s album for your records.

If you have any questions or enquiries, please don’t hesitate to ask! We look forward to seeing you soon. 

Sitter Sessions

Embellish Photography