adelaide photography

Sophia Alexia Part 5 – Adelaide Maternity, Newborn, Children & Family Portraiture

Morning All,

It’s been a long time coming but here is the 5th and final part of Sophias’ images from our 40 day challenge.

It has taken me longer than expected to edit these images, I have so many photos to sort through, and when i say many its more likely hundreds of images. Now my next step is to work out which images I’ll be enlarging onto canvas 🙂 – I know this will take a while but will definitely be worth it in the long run.

Our little Sophia is already 5 months old now, she has changed so much already – I’m so glad I can capture it all in photographs. We are now doing weekly photo sessions which are much easier to manage.

Here are the final images from our 40 day challenge….


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Some default text here

Sophia Alexia Part 5 – Adelaide Maternity, Newborn, Children & Family Portraiture

Morning All,

It’s been a long time coming but here is the 5th and final part of Sophias’ images from our 40 day challenge.

It has taken me longer than expected to edit these images, I have so many photos to sort through, and when i say many its more likely hundreds of images. Now my next step is to work out which images I’ll be enlarging onto canvas 🙂 – I know this will take a while but will definitely be worth it in the long run.

Our little Sophia is already 5 months old now, she has changed so much already – I’m so glad I can capture it all in photographs. We are now doing weekly photo sessions which are much easier to manage.

Here are the final images from our 40 day challenge….


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Sitter Sessions

Embellish Photography